As Yuma becomes too scared to face up against Trey, he comes in danger of losing the duel. Before the final blow can be struck, Astral uses up his power to recover some of Yuma's memories so he can defend himself, prompting Trey to unleash his power on Astral, destroying him. As Yuma's friends try to help Yuma remember, Trey uses his power against them too, imprisoning them within an energy field. Just then, the figure of Kazuma from inside of Yuma's Key uses the power of Yuma's Numbers to break the power of Trey's Crest and recover Yuma's memories. After learning of Astral's death, Yuma tries to deny it by saying it was one of the lies Trey put in his head, before bursting into tears. Yuma remembers the advice Astral gave him and destroys Chronomaly Machu Mech with Utopia, but Trey summons a new Number monster, Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis.